2023 ASI Lake Union Projects

Offering Goal: $15,000


Karen Refugees in Wisconsin
ASAP seeks the opportunity to reach Refugees when they are most open, the first five years after coming to a new country. ASI Lake Union has been able to provide consistent support for the last 5 years in the Lake Union territory, sustaining this important outreach. This year’s offering will provide support for the Lay Leader of the Karen refugees to assist with expenses of his growing congregation in Milwaukee, WI. Visit www.asapministries.org for more information.


Bible Workers in Zambia
FARM STEW equips families with skills in sustainable agriculture, plant-based, diet, sanitation, enterprise and more. Successful outreach has been realized in several African countries thanks to donor contributions, including support from the ASI Lake Union Chapter. This year, funds requested from ASI Lake Union will go to train and equip Bible workers for outreach in Zambia. Visit www.farmstew.org for more information.

Weimar Institute

Replacement of 10 Windows

Weimar University was founded to impart a knowledge of God to its students, embracing Biblical principles as the Core Competencies for their program. These Core Competencies form the acronym HEAL – Health and Wellness, Evangelism, Academic Excellence and Labor and Service. Weimar has partnered with the Michigan Conference to assist with establishing and growing churches in the Lake Union territory. The project requested of ASI Lake Union is to provide infrastructure support that will enhance the programs Weimar offers. A centrally located building on campus is badly in need of window replacements to improve this facility used for different functions, housing, guest accommodations or offices. The project will fund the replacement of 10 windows. Visit www.weimar.edu for more information.